The easy way and profitable way
to start your own inkjet and laser toner printer refilling cartridge business,
working from home or a commercial retail store outlet is the New Deal Ink and
Toner Company. NDITC can help you start your very own home based small business and you can start making money in a matter of day.
You can visit us at http://www.NewDealInk.Com
The company is going to close your factory or distribution center and mostly likely your retail store. The thousands of people at STAPLES INC SPLS should realize that Staples customers are leaving by the tens of thousands, month after month. If you now work for STAPLES SPLS you need to register your zip code, don't delay.
If you work for Staples Inc SPLS YOU HAVE SOME CHOICES TO MAKE and we suggest that you start making your career moves now. If you work for Staples Inc SPLS we want you to register, its free of charge. We're going to send you a free NDITC business plan 1776 so you can look around, kick the tires and take a look at owning and operating your own business.
You’re a salesman or a manager and you made sure last night that you copied all the customers, items and specifications and even the prices of your products. Managers and Supervisors and even hourly lead associates are contacting NDITC. They want to earn a living. They want job and income security. NDITC can do all that for you, starting for free, nothing to risk.
Surely you could find another good paying job with that sharp competitor down the street. Just last year your career was clicking along in high gear, another promotion, a really nice bonus and now you’re going to lose your job. You know the economy is failing and just about the only way to safeguard your job is to create your own career path and income stream with self-employment, even working at home.
You’re a salesman or a manager and you made sure last night that you copied all the customers, items and specifications and even the prices of your products. Managers and Supervisors and even hourly lead associates are contacting NDITC. They want to earn a living. They want job and income security. NDITC can do all that for you, starting for free, nothing to risk.
Surely you could find another good paying job with that sharp competitor down the street. Just last year your career was clicking along in high gear, another promotion, a really nice bonus and now you’re going to lose your job. You know the economy is failing and just about the only way to safeguard your job is to create your own career path and income stream with self-employment, even working at home.
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You don’t have to worry about inkjet cartridge refill machines, expensive franchise offers or some do-it-yourself guide to the
business, written by people that are not in the business or how to make money
quickly books. The New Deal
Ink and Toner Company is a national money making business that starts in your
local neighborhood and maybe your own living room. The inkjet cartridge refilling
business is now what you think.
sells complete business plans that offers you the only high quality, first class
and complete inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business plans other than
inkjet refilling or so-called business manuals you see available today.
If you want to start an inkjet refill business it’s time that you
learned about the New Deal Ink and Toner Company. Refilling Cartridges, refilling laser toner cartridges,
making more money owning your own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge
business is all inside.
You can register for free at NDITC and review the primary four
inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business plans offered by NDITC New
Deal Ink and Toner Company.
With NDITC there is no struggling to find enough money. You never thrash about in dumpsters or
your teachers trashcan to find that one empty O.E.M. inkjet or laser toner
cartridge that might be worth from a nickel to a dime.
The NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company was founded by a business
professional and also a fortune 100 specialist within the office supply retail
The first lesson for owning your own inkjet or laser toner printer
cartridge refill business is to forget about the word refill. You need to
resist all the temptations and false offers you find on the internet from
people that want to sell you their secret book, their best-ever refill machine
and of course all the people that have the exact inkjet and laser toner printer
cartridge business ever invented by a human being. Everybody is talking about
refilling inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges, but they’re not telling
you the entire story. NDITC
will explain why your local refilling inkjet cartridge store is on the way out,
no matter what franchise operators or machine makers tell you.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner has found the better way to capture
the inkjet and laser toner cartridge refilling dollars and you don’t need any
machines, no expensive franchise offers and you sure don’t need some internet
Your home business or commercial retail inkjet and laser toner
printer cartridge business can be a reality in a few short days. Without any
great effort or heaps of money you can get started and learn how to really
operate your own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business.
You can quickly and easily become your own boss without wasting
one penny. You never buy
any inkjet refill machine. You
never buy a silly booklet put together by some part-time recreational layperson
that wants to sell you some $50 to $100 book. In
fact, you never spend any money that doesn’t actually make you money.
Starting Your Own Inkjet Refilling Company without Machines or
Franchise has been made simple by New Deal Ink and Toner Company.
Take some time today and review
our NDITC national business plans and simply pick the best one that works for
Some may say that lesson two is: should never spend any money that
doesn’t make you money.
Here’s how to become your own
boss in less than a week and earn hundreds of dollars or maybe thousands of
dollar per week. The New
Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pa quickly and easily gets you
started on the road to your own individual success. You can earn hundreds of dollars a day
by simply selling laser toner printer cartridges, ready for the printer, with
any one of the NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner business plans.
Many people are looking to start their own home based
business. It’s a desire
that many Americans have and understand. Some people just want a new job or
some increase in their individual income. Starting your own inkjet and laser
toner printer cartridge business is an opportunity that’s really hard to match
within the market of ideas and available opportunities. But, don’t be fooled by deceptive
booklets, internet offers, swindlers and scam artists you find on the internet
Today, there is a great deal of mischief inside the inkjet and
laser toner refill market. We’ll
(NDITC) SHOW YOU HOW to stay away from false offers and teach you how to pass
up what seems too good to be true.
We see bogus wholesalers all over the internet, they make really bold statements and pretend a lot of things;
“buy wholesale and save big” “buy at the lowest price” “we help you start your
business” “become our reseller” and many more statements that clearly sidestep
the truth and are very insincere. These
made-up, false and phony companies are today all over the internet. These fictitious wholesale inkjet and
laser toner printer cartridges are not even close to being a real
wholesaler. When you
understand the supply chain and demand chain of the inkjet and laser toner printer
cartridge business you too will recognize the real wholesale factory direct
We see book-sellers that duck the fact that they have zero
experience and just want your money. They write little books and booklets and
have multiple web sites so you can find them during your Google internet
search. “Buy my book and
get rich” “make a hundred dollars per hour” “trashed inkjet cartridges make
your rich” “sell to your teacher” “you’re about to be rich” “buy my book” “I’ve
researched this for years” and the tag lines go on and on. Any person that thinks they can
just buy a book and get rich has a great deal to learn. These sham, made-up experts have no
experiences, no business background, little following and only sell what we
call one-shot-books. A one-shot-book seller is selling you a book for $50 and
simply moves to the next customer.
Many people really do want a manual on how to start their own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business. A manual that works is very
labor-intensive and should include everything you need. Many so-called inkjet laser toner
printer cartridge refill manuals have little detail. In fact, many so-called manuals are
really just copy and paste jobs put together to get your money and move on.
These false instructors tell you how people with little talent and
energy made piles of money, the easy way. These tutors from nowhere tell the
stories of how you can simply put some cheap ink inside a customer’s inkjet
printer cartridge and make hundreds of dollars per hour. They state publicly that they’ve had
these little secrets declared to be true by past customers.
These bogus books tell you everything you want to hear. “You don’t
need any money, you just need my book” “inkjet refilling is easy” “laser toner
cartridge filling is easy” “buy my book”. The people or companies that tell you
that they have the easy way to making money are just selling books or
machines. They talk about
their own exclusive cartridge refilling machines and systems like they invented
the idea. A cut-rate and
contemptible inkjet cartridge refilling machine will cost you about $5,000 five
thousand dollars. The
machine dealer pays about $1,200 for the machine and you buy it from them
starting at $5,000.
If we had to issue a lesson list, number three would be: Never
buy any new or used inkjet cartridge refilling machine, because you’ll go broke.
The swindle is simple. Send me $5,000 dollars and I’ll ship you an
inkjet refill machine that can make you rich. They have no other selling point and
never tell you about the negatives of the imported machine. They never tell you how much
maintenance may cost you when the inkjet cartridge refill machine breaks down
or needs another new part. All
they tell you is that they have the best machine in the world so therefore you
should buy one today. They
never tell you that your local inkjet printer cartridge consumer is much more
likely to recycle their empty cartridge at Staples, Office Max, Tru-Value
Hardware Stores, and Walgreens etc. Even Cartridge World is starting to lose
out on the great chase for an empty inkjet or laser toner printer cartridge.
Major retailers are paying big money to get those empty inkjet printer
cartridges off the market. The
inkjet refill machine makers and the not-too-bright book authors don’t inform
you of every detail.
The NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company have avoided every one of
these false claims and disadvantages in the market-place. NDITC writings and teachings are
so popular that we’re most like the number one plagiarized business planning
company on the internet today. These
unoriginal, imitative and uninspired people continue to embezzle our NDITC
plans and try to pocket profits as they move quietly under the legal radar and
move unseen within the depths of the internet.
The New Deal Ink and Toner
Company Introduction is a great way to start learning about the NDITC inkjet
refilling cartridge plans without machines.
NDITC has an extremely favorable market worth and it wasn’t simple
or effortless and years of actual market testing, pressure testing, store
ownership, importing and exporting, manufacturing and remanufacturing
experiences bring our NDITC
down-to-earth business planning to the market today.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company
is a national professional consulting and management company. Plain and
simple, NDITC understands the entire market of Original Equipment Manufacturers
(O.E.M.) and their supply chain retail partners.
You will be able to buy, ready
for the printer, inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges at the actual and
real wholesale factory direct prices. You
will pay less than Staples Wal-Mart Office Max Office Depot K-Mart Best Buy or
any other national retailer in the market today. Remember, no machines, no franchise
expenses, no royalty fees, no management fees. It’s a New Deal Ink and Toner Company.
As the imported machine makers offer you bargains and rip-off
customers, and bogus book and manual writers try and take your money, we’ve
been doing something very, and some may say, very different.
We are the creator of something. We are the instigator of a brand new
business model within the inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business. NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company,
Mechanicsburg Pa is the company behind the original source of inkjet and laser
toner printer cartridge business plans where you don’t pay for machines,
franchise fees, management fees, and royalty fees or waste any money
Over the last several years a well-known fortune 100 business
specialist has been working on a brand new business model for inkjet and laser
toner printer cartridge business owners. This leading specialist is well-known
and eminent within supply chain management, demand chain management,
distribution, manufacturing, engineering, transportation, fulfillment and
overall business management, organization and administration.
Our founder has built a solid nationwide reputation for process
controls, distribution and overall success regarding quality compliance,
generating massive profits, offering pacesetter customer and vendor services,
marketing and sales and most importantly gross revenue growth and overall
The NDITC inkjet and laser
toner printer cartridge business exchange explains more about NDITC business
His talents and energies took him far and wide looking for the
inkjet printer cartridge factory. He
rummaged around the entire inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge global
business looking for the real factories, the real distributors, the real
factory direct wholesalers, but he even went further.
Our founder revealed to the market the inner workings of the major
printer manufacturing companies. The
giant manufacturing organizations of Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark,
Brother and even Dell was investigated. As
he traveled around something became very clear. These giants of industry put down and
arranged a legal diabolical business plan. These companies and their associates
manipulated their manufacturing plan, marketing and distribution plans and had
direct, complete command and control over their entire world-wide
business. These same companies and dozens of others ruled the printing
technology industry within printer machine sales and leases, copier and fax
sales, copier and fax repair services, and most importantly inkjet and laser
toner printer cartridges known as consumables.
Their plan was very simple to understand, sell cheap printers and
expensive ink and laser toner printer cartridges. They created profit margins that were
widespread and wide-ranging that created tens of billions in sales and billions
of dollars in profits, year after year.
Their plan created thousands of employment opportunities around
the world and just a hand full in the United States. The supreme company based on sales
and overall market share would be that of Hewlett Packard. Their all embracing computer and
printer technology creates billions in revenue and billions in gross and net
profits. HP is larger than large and bigger than huge. Hp is world-wide and massive on a
global scale. HP is the
King of printing.
NDITC went far beyond the inkjet cartridge refilling business.
It’s easy to understand that people want to resign their jobs and start their
own business. It’s easy to
leave a job with the hope and the dream of your own prosperity. But you cannot abandon common sense,
business research, capital investments, return of investment and overall
ownership satisfaction.
Other people came up with their own diabolical plans and offer you
tips on how to start your own inkjet cartridge refilling business. Machine makers ask you to
refrain from any other inkjet refilling machine except their own. Franchise
operators give you notice that they have the best system that works for
you. Malicious and immoral wholesalers trick you to buy at the higher
price from one of their many web sites, under different names.
If you would enjoy learning more about the NDITC inkjet refilling
printer cartridge business simply visit our web site. Register your zip code while you’re
To come across some unknown factory is not that difficult. Unearthing some sleek franchise offer
was easy to find. To locate
some substitute for the expensive franchise or the marginal inkjet cartridge
refill machine was not that tricky to discover and expose to the open
Make More Money, Become A Millionaire in America. You can become
the newest Millionaire in America and NDITC is willing to help you free. NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company Start Your Own inkjet and
laser toner printer cartridge company, home based, packed full of cash profits
so register your zip code today. Start Your Own HP Hewlett Packard Home Based
Inkjet and Laser Toner Printer Cartridge dealership, free for the asking. Become A Millionaire Become Rich Find A Job Work From Home NDITC
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have a very tough problem. A rough problem to analyze but your brain is all
fagged and answers don’t come very quickly. You slide open your desk drawer and
look at the email one more time.
company is going to close your factory. You’re a salesman or a manager and you
made sure last night that you copied all the customers, items and
specifications and even the prices of your products. Surely you could find
another good paying job with that sharp competitor down the street. Just last
year your career was clicking along in high gear, another promotion, a really
nice bonus and now you’re going to lose your job.
The American True Story of starting your own money making business, without imports.
he promised, Dad has bundled the entire family into the ford to show us this
great big country during our family vacation. There’s a lot to see, and believe
me we’ve seen a lot.
Not what you may think. We didn’t always go to historic
places full of historical documents, statues or trinkets. Our vacation was
looking at new things, those strange little things that Dad just loves.
spent his time running very big business organizations. His goal was for his
children to learn how to profit and prosper within the free enterprise American
capitalistic systems.
companies are leaving America and they’re leaving their employees behind to
fend for themselves. You have become a customer of a foreign factory and far
away distributors. The government has not directed the battle in the Global
sense and we know that America is losing the Global market. We have flying
business generals making millions and closing plants. We have managers flying
off to overseas lands to set up the new Chinese factories within the state
controlled not-so-free enterprise systems. These are just a few of the latest
developments that you struggle with to overcome. The Global warfare will cost
you to lose your home while a very few grow their tremendous wealth. Uncle Sam
has many defense systems but none of them work. Politicians explain the
solutions but they have never helped in the past.
fail to read this powerful article. It is a solution. The C.E.O.’s within the
skyscrapers don’t want you to learn the secrets. The financial districts around
the world don’t want you to learn the secrets of their great wealth. Starting
with your local governments, state governments and national government in
Washington D.C. they keep laying smoke screens. You’re not supposed to see the real
events as you would become enraged and incensed. Attacking in formations
foreign corporations and American corporations are moving hundreds of billions
of dollars at the speed of light out of America. They’re building factories and
hiring millions of people and paying them only a few cents per hour. The
staging of this great Global shift has been in the works for tens of years. All
the Fortune 500 American corporations play the game, hide the rules and keep
you in the dark.
is a vast concentration taking place right now. As you read this you will
become weaker as the dollar in your wallet or purse is being marginalized and
drops in value by the minute. These heroes of business are making billions of
dollars selling American values, ideas, systems and entire manufacturing plants
to communist nations enslaving millions of people.
you may suffer the full force of Global markets and Global government and you
will have to fight back, individual combat. There is a new strategy that
creates individual wealth. It creates profits for you and your family and will
create millions of jobs in America.
the New Deal Ink and Toner Company and we also have a Global idea and the
feasibility has been tested. We’re helping at least 43,000 Americans to start
their own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business. Our success will
also determine your success.
are the ways that you can create wealth? How can you overcome the Global
corporations? How can you save your home? How can you create jobs in your
neighborhood? How are you going to save America?
going to be able to start your own business in a matter of days and we’re going
to help you start your inkjet and toner business for free. NDITC has developed
national plans for starting small home based inkjet and toner cartridge
dealerships. Don’t be afraid of owning your own business. Large groups have
already started their NDITC North American Neighborhood Dealerships and their
making money. NDITC is a distinctly new development within the printer
technology business. We have found the way to use the Global world-wide printer
and cartridge giants to create individual wealth in your home and community.
want you to see for yourself how easy it is to use one of our New Deal Ink and
Toner Company Small Business Plans. How quickly you can learn to bend the
dollars your way and allow you to stop looking for a new job. Banish the fear
of your boss and the next lay-off cycle that is surely on the way. You will be
able to stop worrying about the opposition at work and increase your own
you have a job today you don’t have to quit to start your own business. You’re
going to gain the recognition, power and admiration that you deserve as a small
business owner.
have time on your hands right now. If you’re lucky you have unemployment
benefits that allow you enough money to keep your head above water. We want you
to read this entire article because it’s most important. A little time is all
you need because NDITC will help you start your business. A little time on your
hands can turn out to be a lot of cash in your bank account. It’s being done
all over the United States of America right now.
you would like to earn, let’s say $500 per day how would you do it? Maybe you
want to earn $1,000 per day, how would you do it? We’re looking for people that
want to truly own a piece of America and hold on to the American dream.
some kind of miracle the dollar will collapse and lose value. Failing some kind
of miracle you’re going to lose your job first and then your home. You didn’t
do anything wrong. A very few people are becoming very rich and you’re going to
become very poor.
(NDITC) experts within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business and we
operate a national consulting service for small business owners. In fact, we’re
the only reputable, national and respected consulting services for the inkjet
and toner printer cartridge business.
you plan to rob a bank or someone else’s cash register you need a plan and you
need one in the next few days. There’s a lot of cash in the bank and there’s
only way to get it out and that’s starting your own small business.
other person you know buys inkjet or toner printer cartridges. They buy them
from the Big Box Retailers like Office Max, Office Depot, Staples, Best Buy,
K-Mart, Radio Shack, Wal-Mart and hundreds of other big retailers.
inkjet and toner printer cartridge market is controlled by O.E.M.’s Original
Equipment Manufacturing Companies like HP Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark
Brother Dell and dozens of others.
O.E.M.’s have created a Global business worth hundreds of Billions of dollars but
they haven’t created American jobs. They have no plans on hiring you at all.
They will continue to use cheap foreign workers at almost slave rates to make
their products and import them back into America. You lose.
so confident that we’ll let you get started for free and we’ll also show you
how easy it is to master the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business,
without machines, without franchise, without royalty fees or any other charges.
NDITC has become a great force that can help you master new income levels by
starting your own inkjet and toner business.
keeps saying “Are you ready?” and we all knew that we’re getting ready to stop
again. Now Dad didn’t marry the bosses daughter so he has always worked hard,
saved his money and he finally got the opportunity to start his own business.
He calls the shots, including where we stop and what we get to do, day after
day, for the entire week. It was like Dad could always see the future. He could
look down the business road and see what was coming and what to avoid.
companies, big and small and really big, like fortune 100 big, have always seen
the marvelous benefits of my father concerning business and mankind in general.
Over the years he had the opportunity to learn and earn at the same time. It
seems that Dad was just good at making money.
we traveled into the future Dad would tell us his stories. We’ve heard them
before but he always changes them just enough to make them new again. Some
little detail he left out the last time would come out to make my Mother laugh
and to remind him to watch the road. For the first time in many years Dad was
looking for something really new. He wanted a new road and he was sure to find
it. He would ponder things like you and I do when we look at a restaurant menu.
He would study something and turn it over and study it again. He would ask us
what inventions of tomorrow which will be worth billions of dollars to industry
in the next few years. We never knew the answer but it was o.k. because Dad was
always thinking out loud.
took me many years to calculate that my father was smarter than most. I took
for granted the long talks and mind probing conversations of my youth with Dad.
He always told us that five hundred dollars wasn’t a lot of money, unless you
didn’t have it. Dad would ask could we use an extra five hundred dollars to get
that new guitar or that new stereo we seen last weekend. He would want to know
what we dream about and even wish for or think about. If we didn’t plan to rob
a bank or someone else’s cash register how were we going to make a living? Dad
never waited on a miracle to settle his reality. He didn’t want us to wait on
miracles either. He knew that greater men had lived, created great inventions,
developed world-wide business success and most of all left a trail of knowledge
that people could follow.
we’re driving we all see the tunnel signs along the side of the road. Tunnel
five miles ahead; turn on your headlights and the always present warning of
being prepared to stop.
Dad would start to explain how deep in the earth, men, bore these holes through
the mountains and under the river beds to build our tunnels. Dad would tell us
the history as if he had lived with the same men that bored the hole. He would
animate the deadly peril just around the curve. He told us that danger stalks
us around every bend and we had to learn to read the signs, make preparations,
get ready for anything.
was an expert in hazardous occupations. Dad was a businessman. His occupation
was to create value and profits for other companies. Mother said he was really
good at. Over the years we found out more and more. Dad was really good at it.
Driving and groping along like a family of moles Dad drove through the darkened
Main street tunnel crew was still pushing and pulling at the project to keep
the four lane tunnel open and safe. Way beneath the river, we traveled along
the road at highway speeds without a care in the world. Steadily forward we
kept on racking up the miles. The next stop, almost the disaster struck Dad and
Mother like a fury of some kind of tornado. We pasted the McDonalds just off
the road. Dad decided we could cut back or wait another thirty two miles for
the next restaurant row.
drove those extra miles to McDonalds and it gave Dad a chance to tell us
another story.
wanted to know if we ever heard of toy bears. He gave us the usual hints with
his big smile, always having some fun. The new wonder animals from Syria, the
toy bears. Dad said they were not stuffed they were real live animals. The
Syrian hamsters were delightful pets that made many people rich almost
overnight. Everyone wanted one years ago and even laboratories needed
thousands. Dad would explain how something just shows up in the market,
creating interest and small business owners all across America. Dad knew this
one guy that got into a hamster hobby and then turned it into a business. All
this other guy did was sell breeder hamsters and an instruction book. Dad said
the guy got rich.
would explain how millions or billions of dollars of profits could be created
by clever operators operating their own business. Could we just imagine selling
toy bears and making a killing? This type of person was known as a businessman
and was not evil; they were just always ready for something.
love anything new and would quickly lay down their dollar to enter some
sideshow or carnival to look and touch strange things. “Try Your Luck” was the
real motto of the American businessman. Put your money on the table and take
your chances. Business is the game of chance and even though people know they
might end up with a three legged horse, they still lay their money down.
knew all about the money Derby. Put your money down, get on the start line and
wait for the race to begin. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. In time
Dad said that you learn how to bet on something and when to walk away with your
money still in your pocket. He also knew that luck had a little to do with
success but the laws of averages keep most people on the gyp wheels. The
gullible American spends a lot of money on three legged horses and little toy
bears without much to show for it. He also understood that luck is created by
the business operator. The customer player and the business owner player had to
be equals. Dad understood; the everybody must win idea.
taught us that some marvelous benefits come to the people that own their own
business. These same benefits also brought a new set of problems. If you could
ever find a great idea people would surely steal it from you. Dad taught us
that thinking is just like planting seeds in the ground. Seeds can take up to
50 years to become a mature tree. If we wanted to survive the future forest of
business we had to be smart, hard working and work within some trade or invent
some product that people would want to buy for years to come.
can only suggest that Dad has a lot to do with my business success today. After
many years within industry it seems that I became my father. My sons listen to
the stories and try to learn the lessons that were planted by my father so many
years ago.
own work leads me to the Fortune 100 group and something was very wrong. These
companies have found themselves deluged with criticism. Customers weary of
value delays and investors wary of profit delays became irritated at the entire
systems of risk and profits.
American consumer begins to object about profits. Politicians complain about
social justice and frequently enrich their individual wealth by taking from
others. We all feel like passengers sitting in the airplane hoping nothing too
bad happens. We wait in long lines for little value. We buy products from other
lands and pay higher and higher prices for less. It seems that America is
sitting on the airplane, waiting to take off, not one friend to talk to we
click buttons on computers and phones ignoring humans only an inch away. We’re
living in some kind of state of emergency is the common viewpoint. We don’t
need to travel at five hundred miles per hour but we do demand it.
needs some kind of a new flying machine. Your family needs some kind of new
flying machine that’s safe to fly and remains reliable and comfortable even in
the new depression. My own business is to help other people travel the business
road to profits. My company consults and helps other people build their own
flying machine.
Fortune 100 experience quickly became an opportunity for my family business. As
a fortune 100 manager and specialist I realized a growing criticism within the
printing technology, office supply, inkjet, laser toner, consumable printer
cartridge business segment.
research revealed the fault line or maybe the line of opportunity to create a
brand new business. My company went to work to solve the problems and capture
the opportunity to create wealth while being safe, comfortable and virtually
risk free.
Wright Brothers had to understand at some point that “the flying machine had to
be safe” and at some point they had to realize that humans wanted reliability
and value at the same time.
growing criticism of the office supply group was that they charged too much
money and offered nothing to their customers.
big box stores like Office Depot, Staples, Office Max, Wal-Mart and many others
have to some extent started killing off their customers by offering cheap
printing technology and very expensive inkjet and toner printer cartridges.
This inkjet and toner printer cartridge consumable revenue streams are giant
cash cows for the O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturers and their big
consumer war has been going on for several years now and the opportunity is
getting larger by the day. We laid our money on the table a few years ago and
took on the risk.
customers and suppliers started to move past the big box retail distribution
chains to provide products directly to the consumer at much lower prices. The
big box suppliers like HP Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell and Brother
started to be very concerned and turned their potential customers and suppliers
into defendants. These manufacturing companies and their sellers or big box
retailers are starting to lose hundreds of millions of dollars worth of
business to the new flying machine idea.
Canon inkjet cartridge costs about $0.43 cents and sells for $15.00 each.
Everybody knows the legendary salesman story about selling ice boxes to Eskimos
but these O.E.M.’s and their retail partners have gone way past the Eskimo
success story. These companies have created Billions of Gross Revenue and also
Billions in Profits.
some people sell imitation shrunken heads and I’m confident that their sales
are a little slow. Other people sell compatible or re-manufactured inkjet and
toner cartridges and they’re making small fortunes every day. Even during this
great recession or new depression people must buy inkjet and toner printer
cartridges. Eskimos don’t need ice boxes. People don’t need to buy some
imitation shrunken heads but if you own a printer you are forced to buy inkjet
and toner printer cartridges.
should have seen my customers face when I told them that my retail price for
their toner cartridge was only $79.95 compared to $167.00 they had been paying
at the big box retailer. My plan allows the customer to stop scrimping and
saving pennies to buy inkjet and toner. No more slaving for the big retailers
and the O.E.M. manufacturing companies. A few years ago people realized that
they were being foolish and were losing their shirts every time they went to
the office supply store. This laser toner printer cartridge cost my company
$14.00 that retails for $167.00 at Staples, Office Max, Office Depot, Wal-Mart
etc. Now you don’t have to be a mechanic to realize that we have just built a
money machine.
were astounded that we made such a success in so short a time. We know it looks
that way on the surface but it really took over 29 years working and managing
companies. The based knowledge that we held clearly showed us an opportunity
within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge supply chain. People have fired
questions at us for years. How did I do that? Where did I learn about this?
What school did I attend? Everything was right in front of my eyes. We went to
work outfitting our business plans, finding the factories and wholesale factory
suppliers, working on instruction books that would show people exactly how to
do everything that creates a profitable business.
big companies, Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and dozens
of others are running people through their retail circus like Office Max,
Office Depot, Staples, Wal-Mart and Best Buy taking enormous gross revenue and
gigantic profits from their customers.
the housewife to the minister, people, people just like you, continue to pay
the full retail price for inkjet and toner printer cartridges. Now that the
economy is in the emergency ward people are starting to pay attention.
economy needs a doctor and not a nurse. Your neighbors and your local employers
are desperate to save pennies but are looking to save dollars. The economy is
injured and you will be able to help them.
O.E.M.’s and their supply chain retail partners are performers in a circus and
their curtain is closing and it’s closing fast.
largest crowds always gather when you give something away for free. We’re
offering you a community enterprise that you own and earn profits. We’re so
confident that we’re very willing to get you started for free, 100% free, just
to offer you proof.
crowds of people at big box retailers today have no idea that they’re the
circus owners dream come true. They keep buying inkjet and toner cartridges at
full retail while the circus earns billions. The retailer presents a dog act
that they call recycling while they take more and more money. While you’re
watching the blonde lady ride bareback over the flaming recycling hoax they
keep reaching deeper and deeper into your wallet or purse. These retailers
expand quickly and offer brick and mortar stores, catalogs and e-commerce
stores to gather up your money. They’re the breeders of fancy stores of little
value. They’re willing to provide the high-wire act to keep you busy as maybe
you won’t notice the price.
the aerial star who spins suspended from the big top by her teach as another
person reaches into your purse and maybe you’re getting the idea? They take
their fantastic profits and build new stores, print more catalogs and costumes
for their workers to keep the circus going. The big box retailers pay little,
offer poor benefits, import almost everything they sell and pocket the massive
in a few short days you can go from the traditional inkjet toner customer to a
professional selling of inkjet and toner cartridges. You don’t have to walk
upside down in small rings suspended from the top of the tent. You simply buy
the plan of your choice and we teach you everything.
understand it’s difficult to jump from civilian to owning your own business. We
make sure you don’t have to take a hair-raising ride to get started. The small
business plans are very affordable and have been designed to keep you off the
roller coaster ride. Your new inkjet and toner printer cartridge business isn’t
a stunt and it’s not dangerous as it may seem to you today. Professional
business managers are the geniuses behind the scenes that help you and have
built safety devices into all our business plans and programs. When you’re
ready to hit the playground you simply purchase one of our plans and off you
go, making money and making friends.
been waiting on some awakening. People want the thrills of owning their own
business but at times withdraw at the very last moment. We understand that you
want some protection from the heat of the market and the hustle-bustle of
operating your own business. Our clients tend to shriek with delight as profits
is the only thrill-car they ride at break-neck speeds. There is a moment to
dream and they’re moments to take action. You can get off the merry-go-round and
become an owner.
a telephone pole with a screwdriver and splicing knife the technician keeps one
of history’s happiest inventions humming from coast to coast. These men watch
over millions of miles of wire that keeps us connected Dad would say.
down the road we would count the poles and wave at the workers. Dad would say
those men were waging war against the storms, disasters and pesky creatures
that chew up or nest in their equipment. Dad would point at the mountains and
told us the story when the workers hoisted their telephone lines over those
same mountains, sometimes with helicopters, stringing wire through dark
conduits far beneath our great cities. To every home and office Dad would say,
there is a little wire that carries the future, seemingly always ready and
fools still fire shotguns out the windows of their cars and shoot down the
wires. Some farmers still harvest the lines with their planting with their deep
plows at corn-planting time creating a nightmare for repairmen. If these phone
men put their poles in the wrong place the homeowners come at them like bears
shouting and threatening.
man must learn to expect anything Dad would say. Running your new business is
the same way and will always prove interesting. Owning your own business is not
like owning your own pet lion.
printing segment created the home based affordable printer. They also invented
the inkjet and toner consumable cartridge that creates all the wealth. Every
diplomat and clergymen owns one. While the scientist solves the problem the
first think he does is print out his findings, with graphs, charts, text and
always today in full color.
home and office printer has become the indispensable companion to every modern
home and office around the world. Billions of dollar in profits are created
every year. These printers serve without favor or prejudice with one major
problem. Ink and toner printer cartridges are simply too expensive.
O.E.M.’s and their retail supply chain partners knew that the printer would
reach every corner of the civilized world. Everybody printed the chatter of
their daily life found within personal and professional emails. Every chart,
diagram, plan and visual aid is being printed right now. The chronicle of modern
life is being printed, this very minute.
the East side, West side, all around the town our Small Business Programs can
create profits for you and your family. We started this business several years
ago by convincing ourselves that the plans would work within the market. We
opened inkjet and toner stores through a very scientific management method in a
way that is less expensive than the old-fashioned, paint-em-all the same
across our country people have bought our programs and have truly signed up for
their better future. With my background doing research was the first place I
started. We started experimenting more and started earning more. We started
consulting with inkjet and toner manufacturers and discovered the little hidden
profit making secrets.
we found was very smart engineers and groups of engineers, vigilantly reverse
engineering these so called inkjet and toner printer cartridges. With a
constant war being waged on inkjet and toner customers these engineers kept
their own notes and issued their own patents and started some quiet
institutions to bring their own brands of inkjet and toner cartridges to
market. My own company is part of these proprietary associations and we’re
trying to protect the consumer against low cost foreign labor and companies
that manufacture overseas and then imports these low cost products back into
America. Using low cost overseas labor the big O.E.M.’s create massive profits
and zero American manufacturing jobs.
antique store provided another lesson to all of us to remember. Dad would tell
us about the once-famous-quack-medicine-snake oil makers. People would come up
with some made up medicine bottle and name and claim it cured everything. They
would charge sick people good money and just move from town to town. Dad
explained that people, organizations that cheated people we’re really fugitives
from justice, just waiting on justice to be served. Dad explained that hurting
people or sick people would pay about anything to feel better. He told us that
cheating people was cold-blooded but you see evidence of it daily just looking
out the window.
business people, snake oil salesman are found within every area of business. We
could see police officers taking care of careless drivers buy who would take
care of customers?
always knew that companies were people serving other people. The reason for
business is profit but the reason for profit would always be the satisfaction
of another human being. Dad taught us that the thrilling adventure of a
business was based on people and not on the products.
business turned out to be little more than modern sea pirates. These big
companies knew how to develop markets and profits. They also know how to blow
up icebergs made up of competitors and small business owners trying to compete
on their sea of printers and cartridges. My own company is based on rescuing
customers. These passengers of big business were little more than wrecked
vessels. Every big box retailer charged the same amount for just a few
milliliters of ink inside their cartridges. The O.E.M.’s like HP Hewlett
Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell and Brother were constantly on duty looking
for dangerous points called competitors.
retail signs nailed on front of buildings should read “stick em up” as the
O.E.M.’s big box retailers keep the prices high as they too were forced to obey
the terse orders from the factories. On an afternoon not so long ago I walked
through the inkjet and toner isles of Staples just down the road. The store was
in good condition and the manager walked around asking if we needed any help.
Menacingly the big box retailers make you almost comfortable while you shop but
you get the thought that they must be armed with a pistol, brandishing fancy
displays and first-class packaging the scoundrels have vicious pricing that
continue to rob the customers.
checked many different retail prices and everything inside the big business
fraternity is the same concerning retail consumer prices. The LC41 Brother
Black inkjet cartridge still sells for $25.00 retail and our NDITC clients
still buy them for less than one dollar. The sure death of the consumer will be
brought about by these menacingly high prices. Their gross profit margins are
deadly to American prosperity. It truly seems the customers are the villains
and must be the losers.
research into the inkjet and toner printer cartridge industry revealed
considerable ideas. Are the O.E.M.’s Original Equipment Manufacturing companies
like HP Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell and Brother, to only name a
few, really some kind of smuggler? They have a pretty smooth business operation
from research and development, engineering, chemistry to develop ink and toner
compounds, manufacturing process controls, marketing, sales and supply chain
management that created the market and captured all the profits. The
demonstrated that they can handle the supply chain retailers like Office Max,
Staples, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, K-Mart, Radio Shack, Sears and
hundreds of others that are notorious for protecting the profits and not the
combination of big manufacturing companies and their retail big box retailers
are now notorious for exploiting cheap state controlled overseas labor that
creates their products (printers) (consumable cartridges) and thousands of
other things. The situation is now desperate in America. We don’t make things
we just buy things. Our government vessel seems to support no jobs in America
and some kind of state controlled capitalism under some kind of global
is a speed boat whizzing along beside our free enterprise system and it’s full
of pirates according to my Dad. Disguised as a patrol boat the pirates are
found throughout big business and their suspicious looking in thousand dollar
outfits. These big businesses, suspicious looking characters, surround the
American economy and your household budgets. These people have moved 42,000
factories outside of America and smuggle their products (import) back into
American stores to make a financial killing. If we quietly search Google we see
that nothing is really made in America. This dangerous evidence looks us in the
eye daily but we keep blinking first.
always told us to replace the word retailer with the word outlaws. He would always
smile because he knew it was only half true. The outlaws are having a sale. The
outlaws are building a new store. The outlaws hire lobbyist and send them to
Washington. He also taught us you have to apparently relieve the outlaws of
their arms. A robber without a gun is only a thug. If we started arresting
politicians, fortune 500 C.E.O.’s we could turn back America into a prosperity
miracle. In a clever fashion our company has contrived a system and process to
disarm the O.E.M.’s and their big box retailer outlaws. This shot of
inspiration rang out a few years ago and inkjet and toner cartridge retail
prices fell to the floor.
no other company to aid our efforts the tens of thousands of dollars were
invested and we made a dash for the market. We knew the O.E.M.’s and the big
box outlaws might get a pistol to stop us but they were a fraction of a second
too slow. Another shot rang out and a couple of the outlaw sellers fell to the
floor. Circuit City fell to the floor. Cartridge world is frightened and is
making a dash to re-think their business model. These retailers are seriously
wounded like Office Depot and Office Max as they struggle just to stay in
business. The deep recession depression situation created the melodrama to
create enthusiasm about our NDITC small business plans and systems. Grabbing up
the plans, small business owners could compete with the big box stores and
position their own profits and growth. We were able to attract national
attention and arm our own company thanks to the internet. The O.E.M.’s
threatened to kill everyone in the courts. The big box retailers and the
O.E.M.’s came up with rewarding systems and recycling schemes which did little
buy destroy what little creditability they had left.
O.E.M.’s and the Big Box Retailers were about to set their own retail vessel on
fire in a middle of a storm. Our own company now brandishing our automatic
small business plans ordered our crew to keep making our NDITC systems better,
faster and continue to lower the pricing.
considerable success, much like Henry Ford and his earth shaking Model T our
program prices kept falling and our client count kept moving up.
some point on our trip we had to stop to buy some gasoline. Dad told us there
was such a thing as old gas and the market was full of adulterated forms of
gasoline. He explained years ago if you bought five gallons of gasoline you
might get a half gallon of kerosene. It seems they’re outlaws around every time
you spend a nickel he would say. Years ago these so called oil stations we’re
being built by the thousands. These filling stations had a lot of tricks and
the refilling gyp was exposed in time. These filling stations, many of them
years ago, were created to bilk the customer and many of them were successful.
Generally speaking, the big oil companies operated thousands of refilling
stations were more careful in this respect and try to give the customer a
square deal. Way back then the big oil companies had to order their employees
to give the customer an honest deal. Dad explained that the Gyp Refilling
Stations were owned and operated by individuals simply wanting to make a quick
buck. The Gyp refilling companies were exposed and run out of business in due
was a big part of our start up business planning and gave us just what we
needed. He taught us that refilling gas stations might be compared to refilling
inkjet and toner stations. Dad said there are two general methods of cheating
the public at refilling stations.
was to give the buyer inferior ink or toner compounds. Just like refilling
stations years ago adulterated goods created immediate wealth and very mad
customers. The other method of cheating was to give them only part of what they
pay for.
told us there are many grades of gasoline and we discovered there are many
grades of ink and toner. If you want an inkjet or toner printer cartridge to
choke up causing it to spit and choke and create low quality copies or simply
die just put cheap ink or toner inside the cartridge. Many refilling stations
are selling cheap ink and toner even though the sign out front may say high
grade only. There is a reason that Kerosene is cheaper than Gasoline just like
there is a reason why Good ink costs a lot more than Bad ink.
stations and Inkjet Toner Refilling stations may have a lot in common per our
research. Dad taught us about something called “Shorting the Hose” that was
used over the years to cheat customers out of their money. While we were at the
gas station Dad pulled the hose to its full length which was about six feet. He
clearly showed us that about one full quart of gasoline was still in the hose
when our gas tank was full. The question has always been who pays for the
gasoline left in the hose? Unless you take the time to measure the ink level in
every cartridge you buy, you have to trust the O.E.M.’s to drain the hose into
your cartridge.
O.E.M.’s have been changing the ink levels in cartridges for years and keeping
the price the same. You pay the same price for less ink. You cannot really tell
because the cartridge is exactly the same. If it looks the same it must be the
same. Dad wanted to know if we ever noticed that the O.E.M. cartridges always
manufactured solid, dense and opaque cartridges so you cannot see inside the
cartridge. You cannot see inside a gas hose either.
picture became clear. The retail outlaw sign always read “Stick em up” but that
wasn’t the entire story. “Now waltz into the vault” was the next command of any
bank robber.
didn’t know much about robbing banks but Dad always had a story to help us
understand. If you want to rob a bank you don’t point a watermelon at the
hapless bank employees.
was pretty clear that a good bank robber never uses a gun and they always go
into retail after they get out of jail. If you point the muzzle of an awesome
revolver at the hapless bank employee they will waltz into the vault and give
you all the money. If you point your retail revolver at a customer you’ll go to
jail. Bank robbers use old-time terror while retailers use modern stores, sleek
packaging, shiny catalogs, fancy television commercials, rewarding programs and
other tricks to cheat. The danger of lingering inside a store too long is that
you will buy something you didn’t know you wanted. These stores or retail
prisons are used to trap people inside the sales vault. Once the retailer gets
you inside the store you take home sufficient bags of inkjet and toner
cartridges to keep the retailer in business and profitable.
only true perfect customer protection plan is free market competition. The
O.E.M.’s HP Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell Brother is trying to solve
this problem by not allowing any free market competition. Practical and
efficient inkjet and toner printer cartridge factories which are privately
owned will manufacture low cost, highly reliable, inkjet and toner cartridges
for any buyer on earth.
big box retailers also trap their customers by letting them make installment
payments on their highly priced inkjet and toner cartridges. You are imprisoned
by debt my Dad would tell us and you must break free. He told us a story of a
lady that bought a TV set, was thrown into jail, beaten almost half to death,
and sent to a mental institution as insane all because this so-called crazy
woman bought a T.V. on credit installments. What?
wanted to tell her story to someone Dad told us. It seems that we have forgotten
that our citizens’ rights are the most precious and wonderful rights known to
mankind. The lady trained birds for a living. She trained them to play, talk,
laugh, giggle and sing. Doesn’t sound like much of a job but that’s the
entertainment business for you. Dad said she had a novelty act but she still
had that show girl figure, natural blonde hair as Dad remembered. Dad remembers
her pictures in the newspapers, eyes are sky blue and considered very
attractive. Mother nudged him with her famous left elbow, but always smiling.
told the story about her past as the story goes. Her past, as an entertainer
and a citizen was unblemished. Everything changed when she bought a secondhand
combination radio, record player and a television set. She was about to be
engaged to a school teacher and they decided to go down to Florida. From where
she lived it was only 27 miles to the Florida border and it was just a
wonderful sunny day. That’s where we noticed an eye-catching display of
second-hand television sets at the radio and appliance store. I already owned a
T.V. set but it played badly and was very unreliable and my friend suggested
that I should check them out.
we looked but I decided and picked out a very handsome Zenith. Zenith was the
best and was originally priced at over $1,500.00. With it a little used it was
marked down all the way to $349.00. There was no reason not to snap up the
bargain. She had her soon to be engaged friend make all the financial
arrangements because she hated math and didn’t understand using credit at the
least. The deal got better when we discovered that my present T.V. set could be
traded in on the deal and would take over one hundred dollars off the price of
my purchase. Everything looked fine, the price moved down to $256.00 and now
that even included the tax. She was thrilled with the purchase. She was also
allowed to make installment payments which she understood. Mr. Wright, the
owner of the store said that a finance corporation would take over my account
so he could get all of his money quickly. All she had to do was make the little
payments to the finance company.
was simple enough so she didn’t really understand why men thought they knew
everything about banking. I didn’t really want to make payments but I knew that
I didn’t have that much cash on me and I sure didn’t have it under the
mattress. The idea of making little payments didn’t bother me even though a
little shadow had passed over my heart she said. I guess it might be some kind
of a warning. Telling herself that she was being childish as she was a full
grown woman now, holding down a good job, she was smart enough to learn how to
manage bankers and her own finances.
the third day, after I got the T.V. home something went bad. She called Mr.
Wright who was very glad to hear from her. Nothing to worry about Mr. Wright
assured her. He would send a T.V. repair man right to her house and pick up the
T.V. and take it back to his shop.
just three days her T.V. was at home in her living room with all the pictures
of family and friends dressing up her new edition. The next evening the T.V.
went bad again. She sent it back again and it was return repaired. In no time
at all Mr. Wright fixed it up and then it went bad again. The fifth time the
T.V. set went bad Mr. Wright drove all the way to her home on Saturday morning
to get the set himself. He told her not to worry as all the parts were in stock
and Zenith made a great T.V. It most likely got bumped around in the back of
the repair van so he wrapped it carefully in a big thick winter blanket.
that time the 90 day guarantee was all used up but Mr. Wright said not to worry
as he would discount the repair work. So far all she had received for her money
was misery, inconvenience and a few short hours of television viewing. Of
course she did get to know Mr. Wright very well and he seemed like a really nice
black shadow returned over me she said when two months passed and Mr. Wright
hadn’t returned my T.V. set. We were getting ready to move down to Delray Beach
to put on a few shows with my birds and I still didn’t have my T.V. set. I told
the finance company when I gave them my monthly payment.
by chance, a small world after all, I happened to meet the repairman from Mr.
Wrights store down at the square. This pure chance meeting revealed something I
was not very pleased to hear. The repairman said, confidentially, that my set
was a lemon.
repairman told me to expect a cost of $60 to $70 to rewire the set and it
probably won’t work right when the rewiring is finished. Something about that
Zenith model was just wrong. Mr. Wright hasn’t started on it yet because he’s
trying to fix the record player which is also on the bum. Mr. Wright will want
you to make a deposit before he starts the full repair.
I moved to Delray I wrote Mr. Wright asking him to return my television set. His
answer finally came to me when I had finished the shows in Delray and was
moving on to Wilton. Mr. Wright’s message was “contact us immediately regarding
your set” “Unless the set is redeemed we will be forced to dispose of it”. It
was difficult to believe he was going to through away the T.V. set. Why would
anyone do that?
finance company began hounding me. They hounded me until I felt like I was
being hunted. They started calling me at all hours of the night. Demanding
money was only the start. They started slandering me, abusing her reputation
and condemning me, day after day, night after night, her nerves were frazzled
and every little sound made her jump. She kept telling them that she would make
the payments. I’ll make the payments, gladly, but first return my television
set! The collection people never listened. She had no idea that collection
people were mean people on purpose. Those collection people kept hounding the
poor women until her gallstone condition became so aggravated she became terribly
sick. The finance company even sent a real life collection guy to her home.
explained this as what happens to people that buy a franchise. When you
research a franchise company they always have a good deal. Of course if Mr.
Wright was selling a franchise idea it would be the greatest business plan on
earth. The customer would sign three inches of contract paperwork and
immediately claim their very own business. Within the inkjet and toner business
you can buy a franchise offer and they’re all named Mr. Wright. You see you
never hear about a bad franchise until its way too late. You never hear about
inkjet toner refilling equipment before it’s too late. The court records show a
very different image and truth about franchise offers. Newspaper articles and
research papers and very upset business owners reveal the other side of the
Cartridge: The California Court of Appeals upheld the trial court decision that
Daniel Wencel, founder and president of Caboodle Cartridge, is liable for $90,000
for making false statements that allured franchisees into a valueless area
Depots': self service ink refilling model, the cost of the machines in their
stores is about U.S. $40,000.00 retail each and they usually break down with no
onsite or even local repair personnel to fix the machines. . They can only
refill about 40 ink cartridge models, and yet last year HP alone introduced
about 20+ new printers. Maybe the $40,000.00 cost is negligible for Office
Depot standards, but with $10 per refill will they recoup their investment in
all their stores before the machine is outdated or breaks down?
franchisees will appear before Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer in Illinois federal
court on Friday at 10 a.m. to ask for preliminary approval for a class action
settlement of all class lawsuits. Last September, plaintiffs in this case,
Ilene Siemer v. The Quiznos Franchise Company, amended their complaint to bring
all four actions suits before the court. In the past litigation, franchisees
have accused the Denver-based company of operating a prolonged deceptive
business practice that has been carried out since 2000. Operators allege that
the franchisor induces unwitting prospects to purchase and operate Quiznos
sandwich shops and pay franchise-related fees. They depict it as Quiznos' way
to exploit its control and power "in order to extract exorbitant and
unjustifiable payments from franchisees." In perpetrating their plan,
Quiznos is accused of implementing slick sales tactics and marketing the
American dream of business ownership in what was referred to as the fastest
growing franchise in the United States
sellers have tall and heavy-set men that take you to court when your business
may fail. They can become abusive and vulgar and call you vile names after they
hang up the phone. If you fail to pay you’re going to court and they’re going
to take your money. You see a franchise is just an idea. When you think
franchise you might think of McDonalds and think it’s a sure way to absolute
wealth. That might be true for McDonalds buy it’s very rare in general terms.
There are a lot of franchise bodies floating out in the bankrupt bay. These
franchise owners didn’t jump in to drown their futures on purpose. They bought
into some franchise idea, mortgaged their homes, borrowed all the money they
could and bought a business from a franchise seller.
kind of like buying a T.V. from Mr. Wright. He sold name brand used T.V. sets,
offered a finance package, offered help and services with repairs but he still
sold lemons.
you buy a franchise the free enterprise system ends. You can pay from $50,000
to $200,000 for an inkjet toner franchise business. You’re going to pay
royalties, management fees, advertising fees and a host of other fees that
keeps you working for less and less money.
your inkjet refilling machine breaks down it’s your machine. It’s your repair
you decide to walk away, the franchise seller company will come after you for
lost fees because you stopped sending them money. You’re going to pay for years
or file bankruptcy.
tall heavy set man had a real coarse voice she recalled. Kind of like a tiger
voice and he was very abusive and vulgar. He called her vile names and
threatened her with bodily harm. He even jabbed his thumb at my face and she
swore he said “you’ve heard about people floating in the river, haven’t you?”
She was terrified.
remembered the story like it was yesterday. He thought her name was Shary but
he wasn’t really sure. Shary found out about finance companies and so called
Mr. Wrights all the wrong way. Shary knew those people didn’t jump into the
bay, they were pushed. The finance guy told Shary that’s how they handle people
that give them trouble.
was so terrified that she screamed at him at the top of her voice, she was
going to call the police and the collection man quickly left. Her terror was so
deep that she fainted. Shary lay on the floor for several hours, a slight
twitching was noticeable concerning her left leg.
the next door neighbor found her and called the police they took Shary to the
hospital right away. They started at the hospital and then her private doctor
came to check on her. When Shary told her story to the doctors and nurses they
were shocked. When she was well enough to leave and go home she couldn’t sleep.
was very afraid that the collector would be back just like he had promised her.
He said he would disfigure Shary and she believed him and that he would kill
her birds and other pets just for the fun of revenge. Shary was beginning the
nightmare that she was convinced that would never end. Each night she watched
the clocks, listening for any noise outside her home, her left leg slightly
twitching. She finally told her soon to be husband about the incident and he
assured her that she had no reason to worry. They send big dumb guys to collect
money and they don’t people in jail for not paying some silly bill. Since she
really never got what she was paying for in the form of a working television
set she didn’t owe a dime. She had bought a piece of junk and she didn’t do
anything wrong.
felt a little better, but not very much.
other men from the finance company came to my new home in Wilton and they
started out as two friendly strangers. The nice part lasted about five seconds
and then they kicked their way through the front door. The two burly men, in
fancy suits, pounded and kicked the front door until they were both inside and
pulling me outside, demanding their money, shouting those same vile names at
Shary, using profanity that drunken sailors wouldn’t use, promising Shary over
and over again that horrible pain was about to fall upon her. In desperation
Shary pleaded with them, crying, pushing away from them, and holding onto the
door jamb trying her best to stay inside her home.
told them she didn’t have the television set, Mr. Wright has it. Buy you can
take everything else I have, the stove is paid for, the refrigerator and all my
furniture; just leave me alone she pleaded in desperation. But they kept
pounding on the door and cursing her, claiming that they didn’t want second-hand
furniture, they wanted cash money.
started to gather from all around the neighborhood. Shary was screaming and
pushing them away which made them pull at her arms and legs even more. Traffic
stopped to watch right in front of the house. People were watching how these
two bums were humiliating Shary and her neighborhood, shaming her before
everyone that knew her. Shary was a respectable women but the disgrace was
terrible. She screamed and then screamed again, louder each time. “If you don’t
go away to police will arrest you” Shary continued to shout as they continued
to cuss her and made their intentions clear. The smaller one told her “If you
don’t pay by Friday, we’re going to dump you in jail”.
never did finish the story. He ended it abruptly by saying On Friday at 3:30 in
the morning they found Shary’s body. The two sheriffs deputies from Hollywood
found her body by the bay restaurant after two civilians called in saying they
heard a woman screaming. The two cops recognized her from their jail. The lady
had spent a couple of days in their cells, desperate and hopeless about some
guy name Mr. Wright. Shary was placed with the drunks, whores, fanatics, drug
addicts and other women who had been beaten in street fights.
one deputy remembered her by her begging in lock up to get her out of this
mess. She committed no crime; all she did was buy a T.V. set.
judge let her out dismissing the entire case against the women known as Shary
Devoe and released her into the doctors care that was waiting to pick her up
and take her to the hospital.
later more of the story came out per Dad and they found out that Mr. Wright was
connected to the wrong people in New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, California and
even Cuba. Shary Devoe bought something she really wanted from a guy named Mr.
Wright who turned out to be a rum runner for a Chicago bootlegger. The state
attorney caught up with Mr. Wright but it was way too late for Shary Devoe.
see, Dad told us you cannot fix everything. Once you make the deal the deal is
made. Our business plans had to include safety. Dad said it had to be a great
deal. It had to be real. We had to make sure that our clients would flourish
and we had to be their special agents that keep them safe from cartridge
runners, crooked store fronts so they can earn a respectable income.
still to this day tell our clients to make the thousands of policemen and
sheriffs, deputies, highway patrolmen, state policemen, township constables and
their local mayors their very first customers. In two weeks time you can own
your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge business. You’re going to own the
whole thing. You’re not going to buy inkjet or toner cartridges from NDITC; you’re
going to buy direct from the real factories and their authorized factory
might remember when people put iron slugs into the turnstiles of the subways to
avoid paying in real money. Kids even tried it with coke machines trying to get
that free coke or free ride on the train. We want you to know that cheap
substitute cartridges are all over the market, across the globe. NDITC
constantly works to discover and expose these fake factories and fake
cartridges keeping your business safer. With Billions and Billions of dollars
at stake you are going to have crooks around the corner. Machine Makers, Bulk
Ink Sellers, Franchise Sellers, Fake Distributors and a host of other cartridge
want you to know that starting your own business is not a hair-raising ride
that some may say. At times it can feel like a roller coaster but owning your
own inkjet and toner business is a wonderful way of earning your living and
your own independence. Your business is a thrill machine there is no doubt but,
with NDITC it’s less dangerous than walking across the street. The geniuses
behind our plans are real people that work within distribution, manufacturing,
fulfillment and other supply chain functions. Your true awakening will come
when you start selling inkjet and toner cartridges for the first time,
exploding with fun and profits it’s the best way to prove this is the way to
sat down at the piano but, before she struck the first note, she heard people
behind her whisper, “Miss Nobody thinks she can play” and at that very moment
little Miss Nobody would play the most beautiful music ever created by mankind.
Eileen had been invited to the party by the Williams family and was thrilled to
be invited to such an exclusive party. The piano was grand and so were the
luxury foods and wines. Eileen was a small business owner and owned her very
own inkjet and toner store on main-street. Bill Williams came in one day to
purchase his inkjet cartridges and Eileen and Bill became quick friends. Bill
needed lots of inkjet cartridges as his daughters piano performance pictures
was inside his digital camera and needed to be printed out. Eileen even sold
him special gloss paper, just for pictures. As Bill and Eileen chatted about
pianos, music, children and ink cartridges they quickly knew they had a lot in
common. Just moments before Eileen was so frightened she would hardly move or
speak. All these obviously wealthy people made her very nervous but Bill
Williams and his wife made her feel at ease. Eileen always worried about how
other people would fell and think about her. It was just four months ago that
she was not so proudly in the newspaper. You see Eileen was one of over four
hundred high school teachers laid-off due to the recession depression. She had
little savings, student loans, car payment, home mortgage and she needed a new
coat. The union told her to hang in there and shook her hand. There was no work
for a high school music teacher, even with her talents. It was while she was
playing bridge with the girls that they discovered something called the New
Deal Ink and Toner Company. The only thing Eileen knew about printer cartridges
is that they cost too much and last too little.
blushed when the couple of dozen guests told her that her music was adorable
and wanted to know if she could play some more. Summoning all her courage she
said to the crowd that “she could play just a little more”. Eileen is typical
of most; she has tremendous talents but remains afraid to show off now and then
in front of other people.
she was laid-off she was devastated, with little money and no job prospects.
She gave piano lessons at $20 an hour for two months and then piano lessons for
only $10 an hour for two months. People were not spending any money on teaching
their children the piano these days. She went on-line and registered with NDITC
and realized that she could start her inkjet and toner business with almost
zero money. Now she has her own business and she’s starting to get customers.
Eileen purchased NDITC P3 which allowed her everything she needed to open her
own inkjet and toner main-street store. With a lot of help from her friends and
family she’s making some money and business is growing. No grinding practice
lessons to learn about ink and toner, everything made friendly and simple. Now
everybody knows she can play the piano and operate her own business.
told us that starting a business is just like getting married. A business is
not a lottery and a good plan makes sure you’re not gambling. How to start your
own business and not make a mistake takes some planning, lots of time and money
to invest. There is a story of opportunity in America can that can only be told
in America. Business is a time-honored institution just like marriage. If you’re
not a business owner you’re a worker of a business owner. If you want to shape
your future you have to start shaping at some point. For better or worse owning
a business is about the only way to create wealth. No business is foolproof
because there are too many fools around.
pendulum is swinging in favor again back to the little business. The O.E.M.’s
will never know the piano player that sells ink for cash profits now. The big
O.E.M.’s HP Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell Brother has little time
for little people. Their big box retailers and supply chain partners are
seemingly wiser and have more intelligence than little business owners. The big
box retailers don’t compete any longer they just buy up the competition and
eliminate all the rivalry for customers. The free enterprise system is designed
to have struggle within a free and open market-place. The contest for the
lowest prices and the fight for the customer have been corrupted. It’s time
that your good work is heard around your neighborhood just like Eileen’s piano.
you consider the free enterprise system a battlefield on a global stage you’re
starting to get the idea. If you do not enter the contest there is no prize.
The global battlefield of low cost state controlled communist and socialist
labor is now at your doorstep. The companies like HP Hewlett Packard Canon
Epson Lexmark Dell Brother IBM Wal-Mart Staples Office Depot Best Buy Office
Max Ford General Motors K-Mart and thousands of other companies have crossed
the threshold into this dark world for several decades. They have penetrated
the low cost labor markets and inserted plans, systems, industrial designs,
manufacturing plants and produce billions and billions of dollars in products
that they import back into America.
man in China sweeping the factory floor for twelve hours earns the comparable
dollar amount of $0.25 cents for the entire day. A medium-skilled worker in
China or India makes the comparable $1.00 - $2.00 per day. A high-skilled
worker in China makes $3.00 per day. A professional engineer, chemist,
scientist earns about $200.00 per month in countries around the world.
slave type wages affect every American doorstep. How can you fight against
higher prices? How can you start bringing thousands of jobs home to America?
How are you going to feed your family? How can you be a success in the near
future? If you go to Wal-Mart or Staples you’re 95% guaranteed to be paying
money for another import.
can operate your own business and enjoy both worlds and create income and jobs
in America. Our planning allows for others to collect high quality inkjet and
toner cartridges from around the world and bring them back to American
Re-Manufacturing companies. If you want to live the American dream get on board
with NDITC and start making money by selling U.S. re-manufactured inkjet and
toner printer cartridges. We’re not big enough to stop the multi-national
manufacturing companies from making everything overseas but we can gather up
their quality used virgin core cartridges worldwide and re-manufacturer the
cartridges. We can reach out and find manufacturing countries around the world
that pay a true living wage and supports human rights and import their factory
direct cartridges.
remembers what his father taught him during the rough times. Buy only what you
need and forget the rest and before you buy anything, remember that patriotic
little jingle;
it up, Wear it out. Make do or do without”. Helping Americans is about helping
your family, friends and neighbors. Keep prices down. If you sell goods, if you
sell your time don’t ask for more money than you absolutely must. Why should a
union man get paid $35.00 an hour when he’s sweeping the factory floor? Why
should a union man get paid $75.00 an hour including their benefits to operate
a lathe on the factory floor? These are the reasons that over 42,000 factories
have been closed by C.E.O.’s across America.
want affordable high quality products. Our factories cannot produce these
inkjet and toner cartridges for $0.25 cents. But we can bring them back and
remanufacture them here in America. The New Deal plan makes every cartridge new
again. You’ll be able to represent factories that guarantee your satisfaction
or your money back. You’ll also be putting America back in the driver’s seat as
you earn a tremendous income.
back when there was such a thing as a “One Man Vaudeville Show” and these tiny
shows were a big hit, on stage and screen. There was this one man, that called
himself Joey and he loved to jump on stage and tell people about his latest
nutty inventions. These Vaudeville shows remind us all about life in general as
we sang the songs and danced the routines. Joey would show off all his
slam-bang, cuckoo inventions at first baffling the crowds but then you soon
realized that Joey wasn’t kidding. They were real inventions and he went on to
earn millions and millions of dollars. Joey was a lot smarter than most and he
just thought about things different. Joey soon realized that his years on stage
full of grace and disgrace couldn’t last forever and he needed to earn
long-term substantial money. His plan was to make wise-cracks four hours a
night and start his own money making business during the day. Joey thought he
had the idea but as he told every human being around him that “he was
financially embarrassed at the moment” his plan took a little longer than he
thought. Every night Joey would jump on his bicycle and pedal to the theater
and do his comic lines that ended on his bended knee singing a song. After the
show Joey pedaled back home and did it month after month. From footlights to
foot pedals that was Joey’s life. Joey’s bicycle gave out one night so he was
late by almost thirty minutes to the show. The boss sent him home with a
warning because he had been late two or three times per week in the last two
months. Joey went home and went right to his workshop. Joey knew that he truly
was on his last leg working on the stage. He had been lying his way out of work
or being late seemingly all the time. He had other plans and it wasn’t
blackface comics. He wanted a big barn so bad he could smell his own factory.
He could turn a barn into a factory for his new bicycle design for less than
fifty dollars.
wasn’t really building a new and better bicycle it’s just what he told
everybody. Joey figured he could lie to neighbors and friends and maybe they
wouldn’t laugh at his latest big deal invention. Joey had turned his basement
storage space into a workshop. There was not a happier comedian in the world than
Joey working on his business plan. Laying on his work-bench was the six foot
long wooden locked tool box that contained what Joey thought was the best three
golf putters ever invented in the world. The “Broadway” would sell for the
fantastic amount of $5.00 each. His number two putter “Fine and Dandy” would
sell for $3.00 each and his golf putter for the working man the “Joey” would
sell for only $1.25 each. His plan was to take his chest of putters to Lake
Hopatcong just this next Tuesday for a big meeting. He was to meet a man there
that almost promised to talk to him. This man knew another man who knew another
man that likes to look at new inventions and contraptions of any type.
Joey arrived at the lake his brand new friend stood on the bumper of a new Ford
Model T automobile. Joey had ridden in one before but lacked about $349 of the
$350 asking price. The old man said he wanted to buy good inventions and was
willing to introduce him around if his golf putter was any good. The old guy
shook Joey’s hand and offered Joey a slice of the bumper to sit on. He told
Joey that the other guy was about an hour away so they just sat around and
talked about Joey’s career and his inventions. Joey felt good when the old man
laughed but worried when they both got too quite. The old man had a name but
for the life of Joey he couldn’t remember it for cash money. A row of
automobiles could be heard coming up the dirt road and Joey was reminded of a
circus. He couldn’t count them but the noise sounded like twenty cars and the
dust cloud could be seen down the mountain. Every one of the automobiles was
brand new Ford Model T’s and by God the first one contained Mr. Henry Ford
himself. Joey was now very afraid. Henry Ford got out of his car and kicked one
of the tires and reached out for the hand of Mr. Rordyce the old man Joey had
been talking with for an hour or more. Henry and Ben Rordyce started rep
snorting around as the next automobile dropped off, I swear its true, and
Thomas Edison got out of the next automobile. They were all taking about their
hundreds and hundreds of employees, their factories and their plants that are
busy building the American dreams. It took over twenty minutes for the
automobiles to park and all the hands to be taken in friendship. Although Joey
was there in real life he wasn’t sure he was alive. Nobody talked to him,
nobody noticed him but he was watching Henry, Ben and Mr. Edison pound tent
stakes into the ground. Joey’s daily life would never be the same as he
couldn’t wait to tell everybody about his big meeting at the lake.
Ben Rordyce owned the famous Rordyce Drop Forge and Tool Factory in New Jersey
and he and Edison were old friends. Henry Ford was friendly with anybody that
could build a part for one of his cars or had the money to buy the whole
automobile. At times Joey would try to act occupied but he was really just
another part of the baggage. Henry was busy pounding tent stakes and Mr. Edison
was busy laughing at Ben Rordyce for tripping over a log.
here came more automobiles up the road. Joey looked down the hill and they must
have been twenty automobiles coming up the hill. Henry looked up and so did Ben
and looked for the same evidence that Joey was looking for that caused all the
noise. Henry tapped Mr. Edison on the shoulder and pointed down the hill. “Tom
you best be nice now the girls are on the hill” said Henry Ford. Mr. Edison
replied “no sir, I’m too old to be nice Henry” and the men went back to
pounding the tent stakes.
didn’t hear his name at first because he was too busy watching and listening to
Rordyce was calling his name and waving him to come over.
this is known as the boss’s daughter, but we call her Martha” Ben Rordyce
introduced his oldest daughter to Joey who offered a firm handshake and a
this young man invented the best golf putters in the world, so he says” Ben
pointed at the painted red wooden tool box.
told him that I knew people that knew about golf as he wants his own factory”
Ben put his hand on Joey’s shoulder showing fatherly friendship.
seems to be a good boy and he’s invented a putter for those golfers” Ben
continued while at the same time waving at Henry and Mr. Edison.
opened his wooden tool box and took out “Broadway” and Martha would have taken
hold of it but Henry Ford took it out of his hands first. Henry took it over to
the nearest tent stack and used Joey’s Broadway Putter as a hammer and battered
the tent stake all the way down. Henry kept beating the tent stake and hammered
so hard he crushed the tent stake Joey thought. Henry handed the Broadway back
to Joey and simply stated “good job boy” and walked off to the other side of
the tent.
Edison took a couple of baseball swings in the air with the golf putter as it
became clear he didn’t play golf. Joey pulled out the “Fine and Dandy” and
Martha finally got her hands on one of Joey’s golf putters. Joey managed to
convince her to hit a couple of the golf balls that he brought with him tucked
away in a leather bag at the bottom of the tool box.
would hit the ball and Joey would run off and bring them back. “I’m a good
inventor but I’m not much of a golfer” Joey said as he missed the ball again,
taking his third swing at one ball. Martha giggled which made Joey feel a
little boyish but a lot better at the same time. This wasn’t a comic act this
was serious business.
Rordyce came back over and picked up the “Joey” club out of the tool box and
Joey was quick to explain that the club he was swinging was the working man’s
told Mr. Rordyce that he would like the “Broadway” much better and was more
suitable to his wealth and position. Joey made it clear that the “Broadway” was
a rich man’s club and the “Joey” club was for working men of the lower classes.
this time Mr. Henry Ford was sitting on the running board of a Model T and he
was actually sitting there whittling bark off a stick. Ben Rordyce asked him
what he was doing and Henry said he was making a golf putter out of maple wood.
was now convinced that Ben’s daughter was very good looking and he would never
be general manager of his own factory.
was pretty clear that Henry Ford was making fun of his metal clubs by simply
carving one out of some wooden stick. Ben started talking about the selling
price of the “Broadway” and rubbed his hands over the putter head.
told Joey that he did a good job with the putter head but it would have to
shine like your Broadway shoes to make people pay $5 and tossed it back into
the tool box.
picked up the “Fine and Dandy” and took a couple of swings and then tossed it
back in the tool box.
had the “Joey” club and at last she hit the last ball never to be found again.
Joey looked for the last ball for about 10 minutes and gave up and climbed back
to their now massive camping site.
didn’t know what was really going on but Henry Ford had the “Joey” club and was
thumping the wooden butcher bench as hard as he could. Joey watched as Thomas
Edison took the same club and punched the butcher bench as if using the “Joey”
club as a sword. Ben and his daughter Martha was sitting in their canvas
camping chairs really not watching Henry or Mr. Edison at all.
at once Joey saw a flying cuspidor fly over a brand new Ford Model T automobile
that was just hit by a “Joey” club. The next thing to fly was a wastebasket
that went over the first Model T and hit the second Model T.
jumped up cussing and ran over to the injured Model T. He yelled back to the
group with a smile and informed everybody in shouting distance that not one
little scratch was left by the wastebasket that was traveling faster than a
bullet. When Henry got back to the group he asked me to go find him an axe of
good weight. Ben was kind enough to point and Martha was nice enough to walk me
down the path to one of the automobiles that held the tools and axes for their
camping trip.
handed the axe to Mr. Ford and Henry hit the “Joey” club with the strength and
energy of a mad man and then handed Joey the axe back and simple said thanks.
Mr. Edison had cigar ashes drop in his coffee so Martha went to get him another
cup of hot coffee. It was getting a little late and the sun was getting low
when Ben wanted to know if I wanted a cup of coffee and a doughnut? Ben made it
clear that I could have my coffee with or without cigar ashes but it was up to Mr.
wasn’t sure when it happened but at some point after Martha handed him a cup of
coffee he wasn’t just a visitor any more. The daughter of Ben Rordyce, the
founder and owner of the largest Drop Forge and Tool Factory in New Jersey
handed me a cup of warm coffee and soon to be three doughnuts.
owner of the theater “Bruce Dobbins” would never believe that I was having
coffee and doughnuts with Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Ben Rordyce, he would
never believe it.
wanted to know what other stuff I had invented. So Joey told him about the
dummy horses for stage acts and he still had three of them left to sell. Ben
wanted to know how many he had made and Joey turned as red as his tool box and
almost whispered, “three”. The founder and owner of the biggest corporation in
the United States of America, Henry Ford said he had some dummies for sale and
he would through in a horse on each. Well everybody starts laughing except Mr.
Edison because he never heard the joke due to his poor hearing. So Henry
repeated the joke almost yelling at Mr. Edison.
Ford made it clear that he had a lot of experience handling dummies and truly
wanted to buy all three dummy stage horses for gifts. Joey spent ten minutes
describing them as they were about half the size of a real grown horse. Mr.
Ford wanted to know what they were worth and Joey said it would be nice to be
able to get three or four dollars each. Mr. Ford said talk to that man right
over there and he’ll arrange to pick them up next week. We’ll haul them back to
Michigan and put them in the collection if we can agree on a price, “I don’t
carry a lot of hard cash with me” Henry explained as the last bite of a
doughnut disappeared.
Ford put his head down and almost whispered “Joey they best I could do for a
dummy wooden horse would be about two and a half each”, “but I’ will buy all
three of them for seven in cash” Mr. Ford looked straight at Joey like he was
buying an ocean liner and not three wooden half sized stage horses Joey made in
his workshop. Joey was very pleased and would be honored to sell the stage
horses to Mr. Ford.
Ford said again; go see that man right there. The man that Henry Ford was
pointing at was Mr. Sam Barber and worked directly for Mr. Ford. Joey told Mr.
Barber the deal but he could go check with Mr. Ford if he had to and Joey would
understand. Joey knew seven dollars was a lot of money and Mr. Sam Barber
started laughing and Henry Ford looked at Sam and just gave him a quick wave.
Joey sure didn’t want to cheat Mr. Ford.
Barber started counting out one hundred dollar bills and stopped when he got to
seven thousand dollars in cash. Joey looked back at Mr. Ford and Henry and Ben
were laughing and Joey couldn’t really speak. He told Mr. Barber it was only seven
dollars. Sam Barber explained that Mr. Ford just paid you enough money to open
your own golf club factory and you’re going to have to do it without any
never appeared on stage again except to sell the famous “Joey Putter” in the
form of a presentation in front of buyers around the world.
later when Mr. Edison made a still movie called Ben Hurr, Joey’s stage horses
were used in front of the theaters showing the movie pulling a half sized
got a patent on the “Joey Golf Putter” and the patent drawings were done by
Ford Motor Engineers for a price on one dollar.
big improvement that made the “Joey Golf Putter” famous and Joey rich was the
wooden maple grip that gave the club a natural feel with the strength of steel.
Mr. Ford and Ben Rordyce and Mr. Edison had that maple grip carved out and
placed on the “Joey” before dinner was served that night.
never said much about the golf putter but she decided that she liked Joey more
than golf and became close friends for years to come.
around the conference tables of yesterday, today and tomorrow companies are
always trying to find the next best thing. Maybe that new “Joey” golf putter.
Maybe a revolutionary airplane engine, a new powerful green fuel that can move
you and help our planet is what keeps America going, around the world.
was always clear about inventions and discoveries. His past fifty years has
been the age of marvels, with amazing discoveries in every field with new
applications of old principles. The New Deal plan allows you to take advantage
of machinery and technology that you will never own. Inevitably you will be
able to earn tremendous profits without all the risk. Our factories have
invested the millions of dollars in the very specific equipment that can
quickly and expertly re-manufacture the inkjet and toner printer cartridge.
Among the scores of scientists and inventors and their great research
laboratories new machines are being patented right now. NDITC will connect you
to this future for pennies on the dollar. Our national client customer base
allows you to enjoy factories, re-manufacturers, distributors, fulfillment
centers and other programs with very little cost. New Deal Ink and Toner is a
knockout per industry research.
can open your inkjet and toner printer cartridge store in a matter of days. You
need no refilling machines. You never have to buy bulk ink. You don’t have to
buy expensive cartridge parts. All you have to do is buy the finished (ready
for printer) inkjet or toner cartridge and resell it to your own customer base.
a living can be very difficult. The drudgery of a job can be very difficult.
People are always trying to invent something to make things easier and better.
You can take the drudgery out of your life by simply deciding to do something
more profitable. If you can sell your time to another person you can surely
sell them a product they already purchase at the big box retail stores. The
NDITC Plans accomplish many of your goals. We have combined all the positives
from the inkjet and toner industry and removed all the negatives. We have used
engineered devices and professional business principles to create the actual
plans and systems that create wealth. It’s called the New Deal Ink and Toner
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